Asbestos Tile Abatement in Windsor and Beyond.

Ambassador Property Contractors is the premier choice for asbestos tile removal. Utilizing modern equipment and the highest standards for technique and safety, we guarantee a clean, smooth, inert surface upon which to lay your new floor.

We will scrape asbestos vinyl tiles, break asbestos ceramic tiles and grind the mastic compounds underneath.

Trust the specialists to intervene in hazardous conditions. Safety is paramount.

Let us show you.

226 280 3633
8:00am - 8:00pm

Removing tiles that contain asbestos compounds requires airborne fiber containment procedures in order to protect your property from hazardous exposure. Many homeowners make the mistake of peeling old vinyl tile and scraping the adhesives underneath without consulting professionals for asbestos testing. Often, vinyl tiles in a 9x9 inch configuration installed before 1985 contain asbestos contaminants in the adhesives. Used historically for fireproofing and adhesive strength, asbestos is now understood to cause cancer in the event of long-term airborne exposure.